Someone Like You … might need to forgive

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
- Matthew 6:14-15
Life can become a series of things people have done that hurt us, and us holding onto them as we try to navigate the days. For a season, Andi held on to the hurt her parents caused her, the lie they had told and the truth they had withheld from her life. But Dawson was right. Her parents made a big mistake, but she was the only one who could fix it.
She was the only one who could choose to forgive.
If we’re keeping score, by the time we’re in college we usually have a long list of wrongs done to us. Valid things. Painful things. And so it becomes our choice to forgive - and always the person healed by forgiveness is us. Forgiving doesn’t necessarily mean a restored relationship. But when restoration is possible, everyone wins.
Relationships thrive in the fertile soil of forgiveness!
For Discussion:
Has someone hurt you? What happened?
What would happen if you forgave that person?
Is it possible – or right – that you might have a restored relationship with them?
How might you benefit if you forgive – even if you never speak to that person again?
I Can Do That:
Journal your thoughts on Jesus’ calling to forgive – even when it isn’t our fault, even when the other person isn’t sorry.
Make a list of the people who have wronged you and then – one at a time and using names – pray for these people and tell God you forgive them.
Take a walk and do an inventory of your life. Is there someone you have hurt or betrayed – even unintentionally? Consider contacting that person by letter or phone – if it is wise to do so – and apologizing.