Someone Like You … might be sad

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
- Psalm 23:4
Grief is one of the most difficult journeys to navigate, a journey that at times will feel impossible. Live long enough and it is a journey we will all be forced to take. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow, and one out of one of us will leave this world someday.
You will forever be changed by the greatest losses of life, the journey of grief. No question. The loss of a parent or a child, a sibling or a friend. A breakup or divorce in your family. But God gives us hope, even still. He is with us. He never forsakes us.
For Discussion:
Are you grieving something or someone you lost? What or who is that?
Where do you find hope in this season?
Have you tried talking to God? Why or why not?
Do you think God could help you find your way back to okay?
I Can Do That:
Journal the situation that has left you feeling sad.
List five productive ways you might deal with your sadness. Perhaps talking to a counselor, a friend, journaling all you are thankful for, taking more walks, etc.